For Sabine Hornig, the boundaries between private and public space are fluid. These ambiguously differentiated places in society are symbolised by building entrances. The two model-like sculptures shown here are based on different doorways. Plattenbau (Bosna), 2000, is an exact copy of an entrance to a government-planned high-rise apartment block that had been built using prefabricated panels. Reduced in scale by a third, the entryway becomes a tangible object that corresponds in size to the visitor’s body. Rauhputz Forest, 2000, on the other hand, is a shrill yellow facade with a door spackled shut and an open window area with a “view”–in reality a photograph of a forest landscape. Here the reconstructed space is a display, a link between architecture and artificially processed nature-emphasized by the use of a pixelised version of the photograph.

Source: Artforum